Sunday, January 9, 2022

La Secta AllStar (ft. Cultura Profetica) - Vino Viejo = Aged Wine

 Happy 2022 online visitors! :-)

Starting the year translating one of my favorite tracks from La Secta AllStar featuring Cultura Profetica <3 The year has begun and I'm pondering about all years passed, but like aged wine life can be sweet and sometimes very sour. We are still here and we have to keep going. To all my old warriors. Let's do this! I posted the video for sound quality but here is the link to the actual live performance. 

Like wine, aged wine

I love you and leave you

Like a wave, like the wind

I’m precise in what I feel 

And I ask nothing from the rain

Nothing else

But to shower me and let me drink 

Like wine, aged wine

I’m your spell, I’m your mirror

Like a wave, ball of fire

I’m precise with my fire 

And I ask nothing from life

Nothing else

But to let me in its womb mature

Slow like aged wine

You get old

I mature

Joy and pain, shame and passion

Aged wine

Heaven is dancing
Heaven is dancing
Heaven is dancing
With you girl

Heaven is dancing
Heaven is dancing
Heaven is dancing
With you girl

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Tito Rojas - No me lloren = Don't cry for me

 Happy New Year 2021 😮 It has been 2 years since I've translated a song here. Let's say life is happening 😊 I decided it was time to pay respects to the time of my life when these lyrics will forever be engraved in my heart. Mostly pay my respects to Tito Rojas. He died of a heart attack on December 26th 2020. A whole generation of salsa lovers was in tears this past holiday season.

Tito Rojas, better known as "El Gallo Salsero" (Salsa's Rooster) was and will always be part of my childhood. Early 1990s in Panama and across Latin America, the genre of Salsa known as "Sensual Salsa" was taking off. Lyrics that... to be honest; an 8 year old should not be listening to 😂. Now, so many years later I still know every single lyric that hit our shores from Tito Rojas.

This song was written by Dario Gomez as per research. The song sounds completely different and I wouldn't have given it a chance if it wasn't in Salsa 😀 so kudos to Tito for doing the lyrics justice. The singers speaks of dying and what he doesn't want at his funeral when everyone is saying goodbye. Now that he is no longer in the physical world the words take a much deeper meaning. To Salsa! 

No one is eternal in the world

Not even having a heart

That feels so much and sighs

For life and love

The years end everything

Tell me what do you take?

Because with time nothing is left

Not your tomb, nor the cross

When all of you are saying your goodbyes

With the last goodbye in the world

Don’t cry for me, no one is eternal

No one comes back from the deep sleep

You will suffer, cry

While you get used to losing

Later you will resign

When you don’t see me ever again

Farewell to those who stay 

I always wanted to sing for you

Good luck and enjoy it much

There is no time to cry

Don’t cry for the dead

They are gone forever

Take care of those who stay

If you are able to help them

When all of you are saying your goodbyes

With the last goodbye in the world

Don’t cry for me, no one is eternal

No one comes back from the deep sleep

You will suffer, cry

While you get used to losing

Later you will resign

When you don’t see me ever again

(No one is eternal in life)

(Don’t cry for me)

Don’t cry because with cries

I ain’t coming back

(No one is eternal in life)

(Don’t cry for me)

Ay, play me some salsa

Salsa is my last will

(No one is eternal in life)

(Don’t cry for me)

But goodbye to those who stay

I always wanted to sing for you

(No one is eternal in life)

And no, no, don’t cry for me

Get down!

(No one is eternal in life)

(Don’t cry for me)

No one is eternal in this world

Neither comes back from the deep sleep

(No one is eternal in life)

(Don’t cry for me)

To that cold tomb, oye

Don’t bring me flowers

Get down!

That no, don’t cry for the dead

They are gone (don’t cry for me)

That forever, that forever leaves

(don’t cry for me)

To that cold tomb

Don’t bring me flowers

(Don’t cry me) friends

Nor roses of many colors

(Don’t cry for me)

When I die

To that cold tomb I will go

(Don’t cry for me)

Get down!

Monday, December 31, 2018

Willie Colon (Ft. Cucco Peña) - Idilio = idyll

Happy New Year 2019 to everyone!. I had some time and came in to do my the last translation in 2018. This song is a Top 10 Salsa Classic of all time for me. The trumpet solo by Willie Colon and the whole orchestra is a true representation of the life in Salsa. I know every sound on this track and you will always see me imitate the trumpet and drum sounds. They are so much fun for me and it takes me back home every time. Track was released when I was 10 years old and the translation doesn't do it justice. Poetry at its best! Wish you all a great 2019 and hope you find your idyll love with life!

The only thing that encourages my desires is to make you mine.
But the uncertainty i'm going through is destroying me.
Because the cruel snow from the years makes my body cold.
And I’ve exhausted my patience waiting for you.
And I’ve exhausted my patience waiting for you.

To wake you with kisses when the day’s rays come.
And that our idyll always last until night comes.
And when the aurora comes full of joy.
Your soul and my soul will be founded.

To wake you with kisses when the day’s rays come.
(The day will surprise us my heart)
And that our idyll always last until night comes.
(The night will only be ours)
And when the aurora comes full of joy
(Only you and me together)
Your soul and my soul will be founded

- Trumpet Solo -

To wake you with kisses when the day’s rays come.
And that our idyll always last until night comes.
And when the aurora comes full of joy.
Your soul and my soul will be founded.

To wake you with kisses when the day’s rays come.
(The day will surprise us my heart)
And that our idyll always last until night comes.
(The night will only be ours)
And when the aurora comes full of joy
(Only you and me together)
Your soul and my soul will be founded
Your soul and my soul will be founded!!!

Dreaming, of you, wanting our idyll to come true.
Sometimes I go into a corner.
And I stay in oblivion.
Suffering for you my love.
My heart calls you.

Dreaming, of you, wanting our idyll to come true.
And you’ll see how beautiful love is.
When you truly love someone
There are no doubts, no resentment
Only one heart that is for us both.

*****Wapea Willie Colon*****
- Trumpet Solo -

Dreaming, of you, wanting our idyll to come true.
Eeeeahh...I would wait a thousand years
If that was your condition
But time is flying
Come and calm down my passion

Dreaming, of you, wanting our idyll to come true.
And like this, very close
To feel again your soul and mine founded
In a hug
An idyll of love

Monday, September 24, 2018

Fidel Nadal Ft. I-Nesta - Todo Vuelve a Su Lugar = Everything Returns To Its Place

Some 5 plus years ago, a really good friend of mine "Boris" :-)  Well he said to translate this song and it was the very first time I heard this track and fell in love with it. Fidel Nadal is a reggae singer from Argentina and I-Nesta is from my home country of Panama. This song means so much to me and my family. My brother specially; plays this song so many times per week, but it never gets old for him. Because what this song does to the spirit is priceless. I'm just trying to spread the vibes and elevate love. Enjoy it!

All my people with their hands in the air
All my people with their hands in the air
All my people with their hands in the air
All my people with their hands in the air

When you feel like your day is fuggy and there is no way out
Don’t stop searching for the happiness that Jah gives
If you feel like the moon is your loyal companion
And because you give it all, they didn’t know your worth
And nostalgia invades you and the nights become long
And your chest wants to explode
And you don’t know if you should laugh or cry

This one is to get out of sadness
Don’t be bitter, we have to move the pieces right
The time has come to show your entirety
Don’t show laziness, you are royalty
Let’s go up, divine people
If you are too sad, come dance in my corner
And if you feel too much melancholy
Because the love you had left you the other day
Use your humbleness, use your sincerity
And if the loves is true it will come back
And if it doesn’t return; that's better for you
I-Nesta tell them!

Leave behind all that is bad, because is natural law
That the sun will come out again; no one can avoid it
It will come out for you and also for me
It will come out for you and also for me

Maybe when you wake up everything will be different
And what made you sad yesterday
won’t exist in your heart any more
And everything returns to its place
And the love that flew away
Inside another person will come back
Inside another person will come back

Take your impulse, take your trust
And before all don’t lose hope
Malaria is gone and bonanza is back
Show your essence if you have substance
Stand strong, get off your knees
The dream is over, the nightmare is over
True love, not like in chapels
It will make you feel a million wonders
You will see that you’ll stand up...uhum
and you will stop crying..uhum
You won’t have time to regret what the the past wanted to take
It's true; the night brings in a new day
More love and more happiness
It’s not a whim or a fantasy
All is fixed as I said

All my people with their hands in the air
All my people with their hands in the air
All my people with their hands in the air
All my people with their hands in the air

Leave behind all that is bad, because is natural law
That the sun will come out again; no one can avoid it
It will come out for you and also for me
It will come out for you and also for me

It will come out, it will come out... (x8)

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Ruben Blades - Vida = Life

Hello internet world! :-) It has been a while since I translated anything and I'm slowly getting back to it. This one became a favorite recently. I think the lyrics are powerful and inspiring. I really love Ruben Blades and I feel this won't be the first of the last song I translate of his. Salsa is life for me and Ruben has done it better than anyone. His lyrics have a mission and my love for it tells me I must share. So here I am :-) Hope you all enjoy it!

No one chooses their family or the race they are born in.
Nor to be rich, poor, good, bad, brave or a coward.
We are born out of a choice in which we were not consulted.
And no one can promise us results.

When we are born; we don’t even know our names.
Or what our path will be, nor what our future hides.

In between baptism and burial everyone makes their way.
And with their decisions, a destiny.

We are just another card in a game someone else has started.
And everyone will bet according to the hand they’ve inherited.

Life is a door where there is no entrance fee.

And the soul is the ticket that, while living, tares up when you pay.

And every step creates a foot print, and every foot print is history.

And every yesterday is a star in the sky of memory.

And the wave of time takes and brings our contradictions.

And between comebacks and goodbyes errors scar.

And each friend is the family we choose between strangers.

And between the wait and the meeting; one learns with the years

That only to our consciousness our spirit responds

And that one thing is to be a male and another to be a man.

No one chooses their family, or their race when they are born.
Nor to be good, bad, pretty, ugly, innocent or guilty.

From birth to death our whole life is a bet.

It depends on our will to find the answers

I Dream of a different world
Where our love never ends

Where never, never, discard another’s reason
Where we never forget to help out..who??
The ones that are staying behind

I Dream of a different world
Where our love never ends

The white bones of  a dead man can be from any race.
If death doesn’t discriminate then life shouldn’t either.

I Dream of a different world
Where our love never dies

This truth is very simple, even a child knows it.

If in your life there was no rhythm, in your grave there will be no key.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Celia Cruz - Rie y Lora - Laugh & Cry

The Mother of Salsa for me. Celia Cruz was just that. I felt her love and her warmth. Her happiness is still inside me and I can't help but shed a tear when I hear her songs in my car and remember that she is now gone. I never met her. I did go to some shows with my parents in Panama while I was young; but I don't care. I love her! :-) The lyrics of her songs teach and bring wisdom with them. It's one of my favorite recipes for Salsa. I was going to translate another song of hers; but I came across this one and it's another favorite for me. Plus, it represents my current state. I get to laugh and cry; and my life goes on. Time doesn't wait for anyone or anything. Enjoy your life no matter what.

La la la la la la La la la la la la La La la la la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la

what is good today, might not be good tomorrow
There is where the value of moments are
There is where you find perfect moments
The opportunity comes, you will decide if you jump on her

Hold on tight and don't let go anymore
Laugh...Cry; for everyone gets its turn
Laugh...Cry; live your life and enjoy it all
La la la la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la

Everything is so relative
Is not that I remember, is just that I don't forget
That is what forgiveness is
To remember without pain

Hold on tight and don't let go anymore
Laugh...Cry; for everyone gets its turn
Laugh...Cry; live your life and enjoy it all
La la la la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la

Laugh...Cry; live your life and enjoy it all
All of it
Laugh...Cry; because this litle black girl doesn't go out of style

La la la la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la

How flavorful it is
How flavorful it is
This here rhythm

Laugh...Cry; because this little black girl doesn't go out of style
I told you so.